William Sands       


In 1904 Powell was transferred to British East Africa, and William Sands, his successor, was appointed St. Vincent’s first Superintendant of Agriculture, responsible for an agricultural school, an experiment station, a stock farm, a land settlement scheme, and the government cotton ginnery; the functions of the botanical station having expanded considerably under Powell’s stewardship to warrant this. However, Sands still had time to consider the botanic garden and contributed much to its improved layout – having laid down more roads, provided benches and constructed a small Doric temple with an Allamanda fountain next to the lilly pond.  

In the last years of Sands’ administration the economic needs of the colony received priority, and economic crops to bolster the sagging economy of these possessions were concentrated on. It was during that time Dr. S.C. Harland, appointed assistant superintendent in 1915, bred the world renowned and finest cotton of all – the – V135 St. Vincent Superfine Sea Island cotton. Arrowroot, cacao, and sugarcane received considerable attention also. In 1944 the experimental work was transferred to Camden Park. The botanic garden now concentrates on the introduction and propagation of desired ornamentals and some fruits, viz, mangoes, avocado pears, citrus, pineapples and black pepper. Introductions of interesting plants are made from time to time to maintain and add to the collection.


Sands’ was succeeded by T.P. Jackson in 1919.

Government of SVG



Contact the gardens

Telephone: (1 784) 4935824

Email: botanicgardens@hotmail.com