In 2014 the Botanical Gardens will host a number of events as a prelude to the major celebrations planned for 2105 in honour of the 250th anniversary. 



Official Launch of website and program (August 18)

Official Launch of 250th anniversary program at Curators House including launching the Botanical Gardens website. Speeches by Minister Cecil McKie, Mrs Louise Mitchel-Joseph, Mr Gordon Shallow, Mr Nicholas Harris and Mr Andrew Wilson.


Sponsor Tour (August)

Garden's walk through and tour with key corporate partners to highlight key areas for assistance.


Town Hall meeting (August)

Town Hall meeting for residence in surrounding areas (New and Old Montrose, Stoney Grounds, Largo Heights) to orient them on the Botanical Garden 250th anniversary and upcoming activities as well as to solicit their support in ensuring the garden’s prosperous future.


Cultural Moonlight night (October)

“Back in time” moonlight cultural night. The gardens will be open for a night of old folk tales, creole food (bush tea, bakes & codfish) and music.


Floral competition (October)

Competition will focus on the SVG national colours and symbols, and will be combined with a plant sale.

Government of SVG



Contact the gardens

Telephone: (1 784) 4935824
