The St. Vincent Botanical Garden is the oldest of its kind in the western hemisphere, established since 1765. For the past 248 years, the Botanical Gardens has contributed tremendously to the development of the St. Vincent and the Caribbean region in the area of exotic plant introduction, propagation and dissemination. The most popular example is the breadfruit tree, which was first brought to St. Vincent in 1793 by Captain William Bligh from Tahiti. Thanks to the then Curator Dr. Alexander Anderson, his great care for the plants, success of his efforts are evident in the widespread distribution of this most useful food plant throughout the West Indies.

The dedicated staff of the Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on the 12th October devoted their time and a little elbow grease to assist the Botanical Gardens in a much needed clean up. The team from the Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines along with the curator a long standing grounds man of the botanical gardens cleaned four different sections of the road and the amphitheater that was over grown with moss.

(L-R) Diallo Boyea, José Crooke, Charron Dos Santo, Joanne Ballantyne, Botanic Gardens Grounds man, Aluim ‘Scratchie’ Warren, Gordon Shallow (Curator)

Mr. Gordon P.J. Shallow BSc curator of the St. Vincent Botanical Gardens, expressed his sincere gratitude to the staff of the Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines for their assistance.

“Partnering with Bank St. Vincent & the Grenadines to help power washing the roads and amphitheater in the Gardens, gave the Gardens a much needed face lift, and help increase the safety of visitors that use the Gardens on a daily basis, especially those who use it on evenings to exercise. It was very heartwarming to see that the staff of BOSVG volunteering their time and did all of the hard work themselves, putting in the elbow grease needed to get the job done, rather than doing what would of been much easier, donating the moneys to rent the power wash machines. With this kind of exemplary commitment and involvement from BOSVG, the St. Vincent Botanical Garden would see many more years beyond its 250 in 2015”.

“A heart filed thanks to the management and staff of BOSVG from myself as Curator and the staff of the St. Vincent Botanical Gardens”.



Government of SVG



Contact the gardens

Telephone: (1 784) 4935824
