Speaking on NBC Radio’s Face to Face Radio programme, Acting Prime Minister Montgomery Daniel says the Arrowroot factory should be completed sometime in the first quarter of next year.

According to Daniel, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' Arrowroot factories were destroyed during the recent volcanic eruptions prompting the government to rebuild a new facility in Orange Hill that would meet international market standards.

"The traditional way of the production of arrowroot does not meet the requirement of the food grade product that you are looking for which includes ensuring HACCP compliance in all forms in its production and therefore with the eruption of the La Soufriere volcano and the destruction of the factory at Owia the government took the position to ensure in the rebuilding of the arrowroot industry, that we ensure that there is this new factory that would meet the HACCP Compliance Standards. The new factory is now being built, the shell is completed already and the equipment should be in on around the fist (1st) quarter of next year."

SOURCE: National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC Radio)


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