Manager of the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Arrowroot Association Selmon Walters, says arrowroot can have a great impact on this country’s economy.

In a recent interview with NBC Radio News, Walters said he is confident that the future of arrowroot is bright, as there is a very profitable market the product can tap into.

"Once the new factory is completed, we are well on the way to reintroduce in a big way the arrowroot. With bananas not being dominant as it was, there a big market for arrowroot flour; as a matter of fact, we are getting inquiries from the United States and in England for the trading of the arrowroot flour. But we are not quite ready for that because first of all the facilities, your factory, has to be up to compliance standard, has to be up to a standard, the international standard. What is reference by a Traders HACCP Standard, so once you have that facility then your market for starch is quite bright and I'm confident that we can do it and I am waiting patiently the completion of this new factory so that we can begin the trading of arrowroot starch as we did before in a really big way."


SOURCE: National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC Radio)

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